Christian Women’s Job Corps

Once the SweetWater team developed a marketing plan for us and set it in motion, we began to see results within just a few months. We are grateful for Brenda Pearce’s passion for our ministry and her ability to gather a team to do what we couldn’t do ourselves. Our Board of Directors has already voted to continue to use SweetWater – money well spent.

– Anne Stone, Board Member, Christian Women’s Job Corps of Madison County

The Challenge

Christian Women’s Job Corps is an organization making a powerful impact on the lives of women, but needed a way to increase student participation and share about fundraising opportunities.

The Solution

To increase awareness of this incredible program, a website overhaul was needed, logo included. In addition, print materials needed to be created and put in the hands of those who would be the most impacted by CWJC.

READ: Helping Women Improve Their Lives

The Execution

SweetWater helped CWJC rebrand with a new logo design, a new website, videos and an increased social media presence. We also designed and printed postcards to be mailed out to reach the local community.